October 19, 2014

The History Of Jazz Music And Genres

By Dominique Martin

It is hard to talk about jazz and not mention the millions of fans who find their comfort zone in listening to this kind of music. Jazz music lifts their souls up when they are down or just when they want to relax in a hot afternoon. There is no occasion known which jazz can fail to fit, making it a full package and the kind of music to play and listen through your device when you are doing any kind of job.

This genre of song has been around for quite some time. It has a rich history on the way it started and its development over the years to become accepted as one of the best genres of song in all continents of the world. It just keeps getting better and better with generation and definitely it is here to stay long after the current generation is gone.

Jazz is a very wide type of music with so many sub-genres within it. Each sub-genre has a distinct note from the other ones. The sub-genres are either categorized depending on the period of time they were popular or the tone and tempo. Everything in this world is dynamic and keeps on changing to stay relevant and so has this African-American originated song seen major changes from the way it was done in the past.

Jazz has stood the test of time with a history of over 100 years since it emerged. It was started by African-American people in the late 19th century with performance orientation. Since its origin in the New Orleans and other parts of America, it has grown over the years becoming one of the greatest genres of music available today.

New Orleans Dixieland is the first well known genre of this African-American originated song. It's very popular among the people living at the close of the 19th Century up to late 1920s. Ragtime style was the common feature among this genre. Many other genres have since come and gone, reshaping how this African-American originated song is done.

When the heyday of New Orleans Dixieland style was over, Swing type of this African-American originated song took over and lasted to the last days of the world war. It was easily differentiated from its successor by the extended note over another note which was lacking in the first genre. At this time, some bands had established themselves and could be associated with the Swing.

Up to this period, all was soft and slow. A new generation of high tempo song, known as Bop, took over the sound waves in the late 40s to 60s. Not everyone could keep up with Bop's tempo, so a new genre had to be born for those who preferred slow tempo. The new jazz was Cool and would last up to the end of 60s.

From 1970s when this genre was combined with that of rock to give fusion of this African-American originated song, everything changed forever. Many subgenres in this category have emerged over this period with many jazz legends rocking the world. The pop fusion in this African-American originated song common in the 21st century is transforming it.

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