January 20, 2013

Learn Guitar From a Professional Guitar Player in Kolkata

The guitar has become one of the most popular musical instruments especially amongst the youth. Although it originated in Europe it is extensively played throughout the globe. It is a string instrument which belongs to the chordophone family. It is made up of wood and the strings are made up of either steel or nylon. The first step that a person needs to learn is how to hold the instrument properly so that you can play the strings comfortably. Initially, when you begin to learn the guitar your fingers will start to bleed because the strings are thick and very tight. So it is better to commence with an electric guitar. Moreover, it is advisable to start with the biggest string which is located towards the neck. You need to push the string downwards and then move on to the next string. The strings should be pushed hard so that a crystal clear sound is generated.

Do not start with the chords straightway. Instead you should try to strength the hands by playing the scales. This may sound tedious but it is an important lesson while you are learning guitar. There are different varieties of guitars available in the market. The more important ones are Acoustic guitar, Renaissance or Baroque guitars, classical and electrical guitars. The Classical guitars are sub divided into several types. You need to rehearse daily so that you can play different kinds of music with much ease. The guitar player in Kolkata is basically the lead guitarist in every stage performance. In fact there is no doubt in the statement that it has become one of the most vital devices which helps in the music composition. A song is regarded as incomplete if there is no guitar in it.

It is also however true that the Western Rock Bands have played a significant role in enhancing the popularity of guitar. In India some college youths got inspired from them and set up their own band. The music director lays a lot of emphasis on guitar today every movie song contains a piece of guitar music. The price of the guitar may vary according to its structure and facilities. Modern day guitars can produce more sound and will vibrate the whole atmosphere.

The music director composes the music based on the lyrics of the song. He has to sit with his musicians and discuss on what should be the accurate approach. The music continues even when there are no words in the songs. Nowadays there is a popular practice very prevent amongst the film makers that they add instrumental sequences so as to elaborate their stories.

If you are really serious about learning the instrument, you need to take lessons from a professional guitar player in Kolkata. Today more and more people have opened coaching classes where they teach to play various kinds of instruments. But you need to check whether the person is experienced enough to teach you the art. Most teachers would ask to bring your guitar. Once you learn how to play it you can entertain yourself when alone.

Avishek Mondal Photo Avishek Mondal is a writer. He has vast knowledge on guitar player in Kolkata . He wants to share her knowledge with others.

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