April 11, 2015

Why Proper Violin Hand Posture Is Necessary

By Aimee Schwartz

A lot of people fancy the thought of learning how to play the violin. But when it comes to devoting time to learn the craft, only few shows enough discipline to do some practice. No matter how talented you are, practice is very important to hone your skills. Its by constantly doing it that you get to learn more of it.

Practice demands time and effort. If you cannot give this, then you cannot maximize your learning. Violin is among those instruments that is a real challenge. From the basics of violin hand posture to the right angling of the arm, it all takes effort to master. These fundamental things are needed for they are the starting point of the process.

In fact, what you need is the contrary. The basics are the foundation. Without learning about it, you cannot expect to produce all those wonderful pieces that you hear today. Those who are considered as talented violinists spent enormous time and effort practicing their skills. It did not just dawn on them. They worked hard for it. Here are some importance of the right hand positioning when playing the instrument.

It reduces strain. For first time players, long hours of playing the instrument may cause strain on your wrist, arm, and neck. This is natural and you are not the only one who has experienced this. However, you can do something on your end to reduce the strain. By the proper hand position, there will be enough distribution of pressure on your fingers, making it easier to move them around.

Better sounds. The pressure that you apply on the strings of the violin as you hold them down can vary depending on the note. But they are all held own by the position of your fingers. The better the position is, the better the pressure is placed on them, making more quality sounds.

More comfort. As mentioned, it all starts with the right posture of your fingers. The rest will follow after. This facilitates easier movement, this bringing in more comfort on your part. Whether you are sitting down or standing up while playing it, you will have to make sure that your arms are positioned right.

Ease in playing. At first it is difficult. But everything ends. Even difficulty ends. With regular practice, you will soon find it easier to play. What started as a difficult note can be pulled off easier the more you deal with it.

It is a standard. Of course, we can call it as a protocol. You can be as creative as you can. You can play the instrument while standing or sitting down. But one thing that you cannot deviate from is the role of your fingers when playing it. If there is a basic skill you have to work hard at, it will be this.

There is no shortcut to learning a new craft. No matter how skilled, if you do not couple it with the effort to do the actual thing, you will never know if it works. Start from the basics. All the great ones did. There is no reason why you should believe the easier way. No such thing exist.

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