November 11, 2014

Tips On How To Hold A Violin Correctly

By Christa Jarvis

Copying the position adapted by violinists from videos and photos is not advisable. The angle of the camera does not give crucial details on the positions of your fingers, the wrist, torso and the chin, among other vital parts. Private tuition with a professional helps you to learn how to hold a violin correctly. This is necessary if you hope to become a skilled violinist.

The distance between the nut and your thumb should be approximately an inch. It should touch the neck at the middle joint and bend slightly. A space enough to move a pencil freely should be left between the index and the bottom of your thumb. A clenched thumb prevents free movement of the hand that is bowing. This is mainly caused by tension.

The thumb and first finger must be aligned if you wish to play the entire step above the nut. The nails must be cut short and all fingers must play in a curved position. Long nails will prevent the tips from striking the finger board.

To avoid contracting the neck, keep the wrist straight. It is common to find violinists playing with a bent wrist. The left portion of the palm or base of the thumb is the part that causes contraction of the neck. This position is wrong and will hinder professional advancement.

The left arm should remain under the back. This makes it difficult to see the arm when playing. It will be concealed by the instrument. The feet should be shoulder width apart and ensure that you are standing straight. The finger board and neck must be in line with your left leg and foot.

Bowing becomes a challenge when you place the violin too far to the left. It will be challenging to bow all the way to the tip. The common difficulty you will experience with this position is obstruction of the stand or score as you read. This means that you will have difficulty performing.

Keep the body straight if you are performing using a stand. The body should remain about eight inches away from the stand without twisting the upper torso. It is professional to keep the scroll at the same level with the nose. There are shoulder pads that make it easier to attain this position. It allows your left hand to relax and not feel the weight of the violin. It is distasteful to use the low position.

The right positioning is necessary for smooth movement during performance and tone projection. It means that the fingers and hands can freely move over the board. The music score will not be obstructed. A straight angle should be achieved when looking at the strings.

It is wrong to play with the left face bent or lying on the chin-rest. This does not add to your professional appeal under any circumstance. The above guide should be applied if you play while seated. Ensure that you are relaxed all the time as you practice or play. Use a mirror to practice until you achieve the right position.

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