November 3, 2014

Reasons To Use High End Speaker Cables

By Etta Bowen

One may walk into a high end audio store and be surprised to find a cable costing five figures. Further, even the simple components like connectors may cost several hundred dollars each. A set of good quality speakers can make an old collection of music sound interesting and vibrant. The product quality has a huge impact on the sounds produced. When looking for high end speaker cables, there are useful tips for getting the right quality.

Before visiting the nearest electronics showroom, one needs to know the type of speakers that they are using. Speakers are available in various shapes and sizes. These include wall designs, floor-standing models, and many more. The best quality and performance is achieved by floor-standing models. The size is not however a very important aspect to consider because it does not have an influence on quality of produced sound.

For choice of the most suitable cable, doing some research in advance will help in buying the right one. One option of knowing what to expect is to ask for recommendations from any friends that may be knowledgeable in matters to do with cables. The internet is also a useful tool since it will enable one to check online reviews of various options. This helps to among other things compare prices and quality.

Properly designed high end cables tend to have lesser phase shift when operating at higher frequencies. This results in clear and more focused sound-stage image of the stereo. Human beings are able to understand small shifts in phase or frequency modulation in the sweet spot of two stereo systems. These tend to be more evident in stereo because the two speakers are expected to recreate one source of sound.

Surround sound means it is possible to place audible cues easily because of more speakers. However, this does not in any way imply that precise imaging ceases to be an essential consideration. It will still be crucial for maximum performance. The benefit of high quality cables is that they will ensure provision of precise imaging, further adding to realness of sound and the excitement. There is the possibility of the center channel disappearing in the course of playing surround program material. To achieve this, precise imaging is needed. This further underlines the importance of quality cables.

The best cables make use of large conductor gauge or several litz wires that are representative of a large gauge. With such an arrangement, there will be less inductance and resistance. This will bring about improved dynamics. It will however be dependent on capacity of the amp to deliver current whenever there is need as well as efficiency of the loudspeaker.

It is essential to remember that to get the most from a high end cable, one needs to have a high quality source, amplification equipment and preamp. It is possible for any component to limit how the system performs. However, a top quality cable can enhance sound of probably all systems.

Insulation used in a cable affects performance as well. While Teflon is among the best insulators, it is very costly. For a compromise, polyethylene can be used. However, it is always important to remember that one will have to pay highly for attainment of the best sound.

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