August 25, 2013

What Are The Requirements For Becoming A Florida Bartender

By Tara Daniels

A lot of people are searching for information on how to become a Florida bartender. This is so that they can apply for bar tending jobs. Such people have searched all over the internet and are confused whether this job requires one to go to a bar tending school or enroll into an online course. This article therefore provides information on requirements for becoming a bartender.

Age is the first requirement for anyone seeking a career in this field. For any individual to bar tend, there is a minimum age that the person should have passed. In certain areas the minimum age for a person to mix, serve and sell alcoholic drinks is 18 years while in other areas it is 21 years. In Florida, the minimum age is 18 years.

One also has to have bar tending skills. A lot of people think that such skills are gained by attending a school or through online means. Even though doing such is helpful, it is not compulsory. An individual does not require a certificate to practice. All that the person needs is to know all the popular drinks and their recipes plus the terms and manner in which things are conducted in a bar.

To work in a bar will also require a person to have the right personality. This place requires someone who is always upbeat and can talk to anyone well. The individual ought to attract customers by his personality not chase them away. In a bar, one will always meet people from various backgrounds. Intoxicated or sober. One should thus be able to handle all these people from different works of life.

Customer service is also essential for anyone wanting a career in this area. This means that the individual should be able to serve customers well every time. The person should also have good manners and ensure clients are satisfied with services all the time. There might be days when a person may have personal problems. This should not interfere with work. When customer service is great, a business gets more money and even the bartender can get better tips.

One also ought to be a trustworthy person to be able to work in a bar. In this field, the professional handles a lot of money and at the end of the day; the person will be required to account to the employer as to the transactions of the day. Before hiring a person, an employer checks if the individual has any criminal record. Other than this, the person should practice honesty at all times.

Personal grooming is also an essential aspect for anyone who wants to practice in this field. The individual should be presentable at all times. A person should always keep the uniform supplied by the bar clean every time. Customers tend to avoid those professionals who are sloppy and unkempt.

If one meets all the above requirements, the individual can begin a career in becoming a successful Florida bartender. The next step that will follow is writing up a cover letter, sending it to a particular place one wants a job and hope for the best. One can also be recommended by family or friends for such a job.

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