June 28, 2013

Top 5 Reasons to Get Your Kid an Instrument for Christmas

There are a lot of reasons to get your kid playing an instrument early in life, from being much cooler in their adult years to making Grandma cry (tears of pride hopefully).

As important as tears and coolness are though, there are actually some really amazing things that happen when a kid grows up playing an instrument. Don't get too bogged down with the technical stuff here, the headers pretty much say it all.


The Mozart Effect makes you a temporary genius

The Mozart Effect is a theory that seems to indicate listening to and/or playing classical music, i.e. Mozart, at a very early age leads to increased scores in spatial reasoning and IQ tests.

The jury is still out on this one but contemporary research does show that listening to music has a lot of beneficial effects for little brains. A recent study shows that a particular state of mind called "enjoyment arousal," which results from prolonged engagement in any cognitive task you really like can result in improved performance in spatial tasks.

So if your child enjoys playing guitar, or even just thinks it is a cool thing to do and enjoys being cool, encourage the hobby.

In the long run they'll be better at stuff.

Music Lessons make your kid nicer

Studies show an increased level of social and emotional awareness relative to time spent playing and studying music.

Kids who grow up playing music generally perform better in school, have fewer discipline problems, and get along better with their family.

Music lessons may not help with the terrible twos but it should help divert some of the angst that can present itself in middle school and high school.

Investing in a few guitar, piano or drum lessons could save you a lot of parental headaches going forward.

Playing an Instrument can help your kid get into Med School

You're kid probably won't ever be as epic a figure as Jimi Hendrix or J.S. Bach for their musical proficiency, even if they are insanely good at their instrument. But they might be able to parlay their wicked chops into an actually profitable career.

Admittance records indicate that applicants who studied music in high school and college have a better chance of getting into science related fields.

Music makes children better at math

Fractions are hard. I honestly still have trouble with dividing and multiplying fractions.

Unfortunately I shunned my mother's attempt get me to take piano lessons as a youngster and didn't pick up the guitar seriously until the math part of my brain had shut down forever.

Had I taken piano lessons as a young child I might have benefited from the unique benefit music offers in learning the more esoteric mathematical formulae.

Playing with time signatures and what not actually gives kids a physical grasp on some difficult mathematical concepts which can help them thrive in their academic life.

Kieth Richards will live forever.

It doesn't really take piles of scientific data to tell us that there is literally no other explanation for the long life span of guys like Kieth Richards or Lemmy. It's amazing and it's obviously because of the music.

But there is science to back this up and Dr. Oz agrees.

Unfortunately all the fancy scientists tend to indicate that only easy listening extends lifespan. Fortunately, rock bands seem to keep having 50 year anniversaries so we can pretty much ignore that nonsense.


If you are convinced, check out our affordable used instrument inventory at Music Go Round Louisville, Ky because you love your child and want them to succeed.


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