July 8, 2011

Photographed in Monochrome

Photographed in MonochromePhotographed in Monochrome is the debut folk/roots album from the author of Stripping the Gurus: Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment.

If I may I'll sit with you
And take your pleasure for awhile....

Geoffrey Falk's mellow sound has been compared to "James Taylor meets Cat Stevens." Raised on a crabapple and chokecherry-laden hobby farm in southern Manitoba, Geoff spent his formative years in a bungalow reverberating with the classic sounds of Gordon Lightfoot and Simon & Garfunkel, dubbed from LPs onto one of the first quarter-inch Sony reel-to-reel tape decks. Taking as his early inspiration a folksinging uncle and a six-channel home studio with dynamic mics in his dad's workshop, he wrote his first song before age ten. After picking up the family Gibson guitar a few years later and learning his first chords from an old Pete Seeger songbook, plus Travis-picking from a book of Paul Simon transcriptions, he has honed the lyrical and melodic craft over a hundred original songs since then, give or take.

Down among the cattails and the beavers
And the bulrushes and pussy willows
Wild rosehips sway, and the air is sweet
And the lush, verdant prairie grass tickles your toes....

Rich in organic imagery, Geoff's tunes evoke a wide range of vivid scenery and emotions. From Charlie Brown's longing for his red-haired girl--

In my eyes, red-haired girl
You are surrounded by adjectives
Words like cute, breathtaking, beautiful
Radiant, unapproachable....

... to the gypsy call of the open sea, a weathered boat, and the wind in unfurled sails--

All I ask is a tall ship, for a mariner in rhyme
Spray and wind-blown spume
A running tide to chase away the ladies of the harbor
For a halo draped around the moon....

... to a roving-eyed, middle-aged Leonard Cohen-esque figure lingering, his glass half full, in a bar at closing time:

Hey cutie, I'll walk you home
Down streets of gold, photographed in monochrome
If you'll excuse the state I'm in
We could drink Manhattans, and sip sloe gin....

Photographed in Monochrome. You know where to start: Listen to the record!

Price: $9.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

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